The Masters coursework is composed of two parts: the core and specialty areas. All Masters students need to take one course in each of the core areas (specific suggested courses are indicated in parentheses). Additionally, three courses from the six specialty areas can be taken, plus two approved electives. A plan of study submitted to the faculty in advance is needed to make sure that the required 30 credits are satisfied.
A.) 24 credits of coursework plus 6 credits of thesis research, OR
B.) 30 credits of coursework plus a scholarly paper.
- Systems (ENSE621 or ENSE622)
- Operations Research/Optimization (ENCE603 offered every other fall; or ENCE677 offered every fall)
- Sensing and control (ENCE688A)
a. Energy Systems (ENCE688)/Environmental Systems (ENCE630,
ENCE730, AREC785, ENCE688J)
b. Transportation Systems (ENCE688T Transportation
Algorithms and Implementation)
c. Emergency Preparedness/Response and Infrastructure Security
(ENCE688W, ENCE688V)
d. Civil Information Systems (ENCE 688r)
e. Sustainable Engineering (ENCE688I - Advanced Topics in Civil
Engineering: Sustainable Transportation)
f. Operations Research/Management Science Methodologies
(ENCE 722, ENCE 724, ENCE 725, ENME610,
ENME 608,
BMGT833, BMGT834,